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gear drives boston gear vietnam I bánh răng boston gear vietnam

gear drives boston gear vietnam I bánh răng boston gear vietnam

Mã sản phẩm:

Spur Gears

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+0825 4079 39 or +0912 4500 29



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Spur Gears | Boston Gear Boston Gear's spur gears, which are designed to transmit motion and power between parallel shafts, are the most economical gears in the power transmission industry.
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    Spur Gears | Boston Gear
    Boston Gear's spur gears, which are designed to transmit motion and power between parallel shafts, are the most economical gears in the power transmission industry.

    Thông số kỹ thuật cơ bản:

    • Transmits motion and power efficiently between parallel shafts. 
    • Our 20° PA spur gear has a high load-carrying capacity for enhanced performance. 
    • The 14 1/2° PA spur gear offers smooth, quiet operation. 
    • Spur gears are manufactured in Delrin, non-metallic, brass, steel, and cast iron materials for maximum versatility. 
    • Non-metallic (phenolic - grade C) material provides quiet, corrosion resistant operation.
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