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Miniature safety edge anti-pinch sensors
Miniature safety edge anti-pinch sensors
Mã sản phẩm:

Miniature safety sensors

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+0825 4079 39 or +0912 4500 29




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We specially developed our miniature safety edges (EKS) for applications where short response times are required and only low installation heights are possible.
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    Miniature safety edge anti-pinch sensors

    Miniature safety edge anti-pinch sensors

    We specially developed our miniature safety edges (EKS) for applications where short response times are required and only low installation heights are possible.

    A classic example is their use as anti-pinch sensors on shearing and pinching edges of automatic vehicle doors and windows. However, our miniature safety edges are also ideal as anti-pinch sensors in machine construction, on electrically adjustable furniture, and on modern medical devices.

    The miniature safety edges easily fit to various bending radii and angles. You can cut your anti-pinch sensor to size yourself for use in interiors.

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